
The Legend of Genji is a fan project focused on creating a new web-based Avatar series. This is an unofficial project and we are not affiliated with the original creators, Nickelodeon, or Viacom. Through Genji’s story, we hope to introduce the original Avatar series to new fans and create new content for longtime fans!

Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra are two shows that changed the way many Americans view cartoons. Borrowing themes and animation styles from Asia, Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino pushed the limits of mainstream television to create a children’s show that introduced complex and real-world themes, equality, diversity, and more to young viewers. The never-ending reincarnation cycle of the “Avatar” character also allows fans to imagine potential next chapters in the story. Even though the official series has ended and the creators are moving on to new projects, fans around the world continue to explore this fictional universe in fanfiction, art, comics, and animation. Looking at the show’s world space is not only an exercise in imagination and story-telling — it’s an opportunity to navigate real-world issues and reinvent world history.

The Project’s Vision and Mission:

(Written by Macky)